Sofia Development Association became the first "client" of the students from the pilot course under the project Action Project for Innovation - APInno, Erasmus+ Project № 2014-1-BG01-KA203-001561. They analyzed the innovative potential of SDA through Business Opportunities Map and developed the most promising possibilities for further growth. Our team chose two of them and the students working in two competing teams developed the concepts in details.
The Millenium Team lead by Lubomir, Maria, Olga, Todor, Lulian and coached by Marionela made a very attractive presentation of a demo version of a mobile application Explore Sofia that connects citizens and city, city and guests, providers of communal services and clients.
The New Generation Team lead by Martin, Sabina, Kristin, Hristo, Evgeni and coached by Natalia presented a well developed concept for green skills for green jobs that could be implemented by SDA as a mediator between municipality and businesses.
After more than a month of collaboration our team believes the young innovation managers can safely proceed to the next client already outside the educational field.