SOFIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION was founded as non-profit organization with the decision 348
of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital.


IMG 4998

On November 29, SofiaLab hosted the first local workshop within the framework of the international GenderED Coalition Project. The Bulgarian project partners – the Sofia Development Association and the Bureau for Integration and Social Innovations – welcomed students and teachers from the Public Administration program at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE).

The workshop brought together 24 young participants who engaged in dynamic activities focused on the topic of harmful gender-based stereotypes. This initiative is part of the GenderED Coalition Project's efforts to raise awareness and promote active measures against stereotypes that impact society and hinder gender equality.

What Happened During the Workshop?

The participants worked in four teams on practical and interactive tasks. They identified key stakeholders who could play a role in an upcoming initiative under the project and discussed strategies for effective communication with them. Additionally, the young people practiced their skills in challenging widespread gender stereotypes using examples from everyday life and various professional contexts.

The campaign the participants worked on will be implemented as part of the GenderED Coalition Project in the coming months. Its goal is to reach a broader audience and encourage a shift in attitudes regarding gender roles.

The workshop concluded with group presentations and a discussion of their results. The work on the project continues, and the Bulgarian team is already planning the next stages of its implementation.

The project GenderED Coalition is funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Creative Europe Program (CREA), under the call CREA-CROSS-2023-MEDIALITERACY.

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