SOFIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION was founded as non-profit organization with the decision 348
of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital.


The project focuses on improving the coordination and implementation of integration work in Sofia, and assisting beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers through the Bureau for information and services to third country nationals. The project is implemented by SDA, with the financial support of UNHCR-Bulgaria.

Project period: 1 Jan. 2023 – 31 Dec. 2023
Location of activities: Sofia

Project objectives

          • To build capacity and improve the overall system of planning, provision, and impact assessment of integration services at local level.
          • To strengthen the process of coordination and collaboration between public bodies, the private sector, and civil society organizations in Sofia through one-stop-shop solutions for information, consultation, and sectoral policy support.
          • To assist local policy- and decision-makers in developing and implementing integration policies through improved data gathering and analysis.
          • To mobilize a range of positive messengers from local communities and carry out information and public campaigns on integration and migration.

Project activities

          1. Expanding the functions of the Bureau for information and services to third country nationals, by identifying and engaging key stakeholders and building new partnerships (with academia, employers, trade unions, private bodies, businesses).
          2. Conducting a survey on the territory of Sofia Municipality to gather up-to-date information on refugees settled in the city and their access to services (healthcare, housing, education, etc.).
         3. Consolidating data gathered in a database, which can facilitate the elaboration of short-, mid- and long-term integration measures at municipal level.
         4. Mainstreaming concrete integration measures in current sectoral policies as well as relevant municipal grant making programs, to ensure access to funding for refugees.
         5. Support to local governments around the country to implement integration measures through sharing of information and good practices from Sofia Municipality.
         6. Organizing a civic hackathon for school students to develop an awareness-raising campaign in local schools on integration-related topics.
         7. Organizing public discussions on integration-related topics and information events for civil society organizations, public bodies, refugee organizations.
         8. Organizing annual award ceremony with and for local employers who support labor integration of refugees.

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