SOFIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION was founded as non-profit organization with the decision 348
of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital.


Sofia Development Association (SDA) organizes an international conference "Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands" on March 1, 2024. The conference is held within the Be Ready project under the Interreg Danube Region Program, which includes a consortium of 19 partners from 12 countries in the Danube region with lead partner SDA.

2023 was the hottest year on record. The recent unprecedented heatwaves demonstrate the acute need to strengthen the readiness and adaptive capabilities of society to cope with the effects of climate change and promote resilience at the urban level.

The conference is dedicated to science, design, engineering and public policies to effectively address the effects of urban heat islands in cities.

Among the speakers are Julian Popov, Minister of Environment and Water; Angelina Boneva, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works; Nadezhda Bobcheva; Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality for Ecology.



09:30 - 10:00     Registration 

10:00 - 11:00     Climate resilience policies and UHI 

        Julian Popov, Minister of Environment and Water

        Angelina Boneva, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, National Coordinator, EUSDR      

                                   Nadezhda Bobcheva, Sofia Deputy Mayor, Green System, Ecology and Land Use 

11:00 - 12:00     Approaches and solutions to overcome urban heat islands

        Dr. Bernhard Pucher, BOKU University, Vienna, "The Vienna Experience - Strategy for Urban Heat Islands"

        Branka Knezevic, Municipality of Podgorica, "The role of cities in overcoming heat island effects"

        Helena Jurašková, DEX Innovation Center, Czech Republic and European Institute for Technology and Innovation Health, "The  Climate-Health Nexus"

                                        Lydia Vitanova, PhD, GATE Institute, Sofia University St. K. Ohridski, "How can  urban data and scientific methods be used to estimate UHIs? Sofia case study“


12:00 - 12:30          Discussion

                                               Moderator of the event:
            Sevdalina Voynova, Sofia Development Association

This conference is supported as part of Be Ready, an Interreg Danube Region Programme project co-funded by the European Union.

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