SOFIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION was founded as non-profit organization with the decision 348
of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital.


Three Nominated Best European Practices from Sofia

IMG 1289 IBAt the interregional seminar under the InnoBridge project, held in Evora, Portugal, on 12-14 December 2016, the partners from the Office of the Regional Government of Lower Austria (Austria), Universities and Higher Education Foundation of Castilla y León (Spain), Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol (Italy), Pannon Novum West­ Transdanubian Regional Innovation Non­profit Ltd. (Hungary), Council of Tampere Region (Finland), Regional Development Agency of Alentejo (Portugal), Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria) and Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region (Poland) nominated three existing instruments for promoting innovation as best European practices. Sofia Development Association (Bulgaria), partner under the project, presented the Public-Private Fund for Innovations in Culture and the innovative support of Sofia Municipality for marketing and communications of cultural events of facilities for outdoor advertising and in the social networks. The partners also named as a good practice from Sofia the annual competition for innovative companies under the auspices of the head of state.

The InnoBridge project is funded by INTERREG EUROPE Programme and aims at promoting innovation and fostering competitiveness of the participating regions, as well as improving regional development policies.

More information about the project:


Partners from 7 countries gathered in Sofia to plan activities under Positive Messengers Project

The first partners’ meeting under the project Coalition of Positive Messengers to Counter Online Hate Speech, co-funded by co-funded by the RIGHTS, EQUALITY AND CITIZENSHIP/JUSTICE PROGRAMME of the European Union took place in Sofia on 23 – 25 November 2016.

During the 3-day meeting the partners discussed the detailed project work plan, the communication and dissemination and planned the activities to be carried out such as national reports on mapping the hate speech responses; research and media content analysis, trainings and public campaign.

SDA at B.CREATIVE conference

Sevdalina Voynova with Sofia Development Association was invited as a speaker at the Creative Tracks EU project launch conference at Namur, Belgium, on November 2-3, 2016.

This global event attracted 250 artists, creative professionals, entrepreneurs, cultural organizations, incubators, hubs and clusters from over 50 countries worldwide, to consider how to best support creative entrepreneurship, shape innovation and promote international collaborations through networking.

Sevdalina moderated two workshops, entitled Creative ecosystems. Seeking maximum interactivity and participation from the audience, the workshops discussed how to nurture territory-based enabling environment and synergies between CCIs, technology, innovation, business, finance, and resulted in policy recommendations presented to the Director for Culture and Creativity, European Commission DG EAC. The event was life streamed.

More information on

Highlights from the international conference “Science Meets Regions”

nauka ENGThe regional partnership in key areas such as climate, energy and innovation under the motto of “Science Meets Regions” brought together more than 80 representatives of local authorities and scientific institutions.


Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia: “The scientific potential of Sofia and Europe helps us make the right decisions and develop effective policies. The sustainable urban mobility, air quality, climate change, urban planning, crisis management are all areas that affect the lives of every citizen and require intelligent responses. Reducing air emissions is our main goal. Therefore, we are building the Underground, investing in replacement of vehicles, reconstructing streets and boulevards, replacing combustion installations in kindergartens and schools.”




Highlights from the event:



In its effort to promote Sofia as a Dynamic Green City encompassing three intertwined strands: Climate-Energy-Innovations Sofia Development Association in partnership with GIS transfer Center organize the international conference Science meets Regions on 25 October 2016/

Our goal:
Strengthening Sofia city partnerships with EU, international and local stakeholders, businesses, innovators and citizens on building coalition for capacity building, training and research evidence-based measures for more efficient, effective and future oriented urban policies.

Key thematic points:
1. Strengthening Regional Partnership on more innovative solutions & smart management for low-carbon economy – reaching the goals of the Paris Declaration COP 21
2. Smart solutions for urban mobility and clean transport
3. Embedding risk management tools (critical infrastructure, climate change, natural disasters) and foresight activities to bring trust into the society and amongst citizens and researchers

More information about the agenda HERE.

Europe Code Week in Sofia

code smSofia Municipality (Sofia Development Association), in partnership with Sofia Municipal Privatisation and Investment Agency, NGO Links, “Imperia Online” and “Listen Up", organizes a series of public lectures to enhance the digital culture of citizens on the occasion of Europe Code Week. Every evening, in the period 18 to 21 October, on 1 Paris Street, from 17:00 to 19: 00 hrs., experts will try to reveal the secrets of coding in a comprehensible language. The main objective of the initiative is to develop participants’ skills in various areas requiring basic knowledge and experience in coding. Every evening there will be a different topic, but the participants can learn how to visualize boring data through interactive maps, whether it is possible to code simple applications, how to make a website, what “open data” means and how they can be used, what technologies behind a web-based game are.

The organizers recommend that those wishing to attend the public lectures bring their own laptops.

Europe Code Week started as a civic initiative to make coding much more visible, to show young people and adults how we can realize many ideas through coding, to enhance skills and to motivate many people to learn together. The initiative was launched in 2013. Last year, 570 000 citizens from countries in Europe and other continents participated in the coding training. In 2015, 7 594 events took place both in Europe and in Africa, the USA, Australia and Asia. Bulgaria is one of the 48 participating countries. The Code Week succeeded to attract many social networks fans, reaching more than 1 million users.


18 – 21 October, 1 Paris Street, 17:00 - 19:00 hrs.

Date /Organizer Topic of the lecture
18 October/Imperia Online Technologies behind a web-based game
19 October/Investment Agency Developing a website, online surveys
20 October/NGO Links Working with “open data”: how to work with them, what can they be useful for
21 October/Listen Up How to develop a mobile application

The event has been registered on the official website of Europe Code Week:


eva paunova code week sm


„I am happy to support Europe Code Week for a third consecutive year, which is to be even more comprehensive this year. The great news is that this year, through the efforts of Sofia Municipality, Sofia will get involved more actively with open lectures that will improve the digital skills of the local residents of all ages. The new economic model in the EU, based on digital technology and innovation, suggests that future leaders must be armed with the skills to enable them to be flexible and adaptable in a dynamically changing economic environment. The skills - from basic computer literacy to coding - are the tools that will give the chance to the digital generation to represent successfully Bulgaria and Europe at the global level and to develop its potential in the 21st century”.

Eva Paunova, Member of the European Parliament and digital skills ambassador

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